An insurance provider’s job is to pay you as little money as possible. This is a reality and the reason that personal injury law firms like Cohen & Cohen exist. To ensure you maximize your personal injury claim, hire an experienced PG County car accident lawyer. Even after you pay legal fees, a good personal injury lawyer will likely get more money than you would have obtained on your own.
Once you have found a strong personal injury attorney, like the Better Business Bureau A+ rated lawyers at Cohen & Cohen, keep your lawyer totally informed. Be careful, however, of disclosing information to anyone else. You should have your personal injury lawyer present when discussing the case with anyone and you do not want your information falling into the wrong hands.
That being said, your lawyer may advise you to keep record of everything that happens in the aftermath of the injury case. Keep a journal (if you can’t write, try to record your thoughts) of every sensation and every activity with which you struggle. All of these help in building a strong personal injury case. If you are in a car accident in PG County, take several photographs of the scene and all its elements. Take license plate photos and get the insurance information of each party involved. This may be the only chance you have to do so. Also, file a police report as soon as possible. If police do not take one at the scene, file one at the nearest police station as soon as possible. The police, however, may refuse to take a statement until you have received medical attention.
In seeking medical attention, be sure to attend each appointment and follow up with your doctor regularly. Fill all your prescriptions and take all medicine as prescribed. If you do not seek medical attention and are not vigilant about your recovery, not only can this be dangerous to your health, it may cause you to lose your case. The opposing side can use this as evidence that you are not seriously injured. If you have a specific injury such as a back injury, see a professional in that field to ensure the best treatment and to have a record of all the injuries you have sustained. This way, your PG County auto accident attorney can build you the strongest case possible.
Once you have seen about your health, gathered evidence and made a report, see a personal injury lawyer to maximize your claim. Do not delay. In many cases there are statutes of limitation that prevent you from pursuing a claim or filing a lawsuit after a certain amount of time has passed. Furthermore, you should start proceedings while your recollection of the events is fresh in your mind. If you have sustained an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, get a free case evaluation from a PG County car accident lawyer today.