Most drivers who are on the road will likely never experience an extreme accident. Many people are safe while driving, understand the laws of being on the road, and may get into minor accidents like getting side-swiped or being in a fender bender. However, in other more serious instances, a person may be involved in a head-on collision. This type of accident in particular can be very dangerous for both parties involved and could result in serious and life-threatening injuries. If you or a loved one were involved in a head-on collision, you may be wondering if there is any type of compensation you can receive for the injuries you or your loved one suffered.
How do these types of accidents occur?
As an attorney like a car accident lawyer in Lakeland, Florida from a law firm like David & Philpot, P.L. can attest to, these types of accidents typically occur because one of the drivers involved was not paying attention to the road. One of the drivers may have run a red light, fell asleep while driving, been driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, drove through a stop sign, or turned when it was not their right of way. The injuries that a person may suffer from after a head-on collision may be as minor as bruising or small cuts or could be as serious as:
- Whiplash
- Burns
- Broken or fractured bones
- Back injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Death
Is there anything I can do after a head-on collision?
If you have been in a head-on collision, the first thing you should do is get to safety as soon as possible. You may have spun-out into the street and are at-risk for other cars injuring you. Get to safety as quickly as possible. It is also important to notify the local authorities about the accident, especially if serious property damage occurred and if anyone has been injured. The police will want to create a police report which will be helpful if you intend to file a claim against the other driver for negligence or recklessness.
Getting Compensation
It is possible to get compensation for both economic and non-economic damages after a head-on collision. You may need compensation for:
- Property damage
- Medical bills
- Loss of body function
Being in an accident like this can completely change your life and if you are considering taking legal action, speak with a local attorney about your case.