Even though a number of years have passed in general, the people have started to actually look into the facts regarding the plan. While the idea was to have a strong Anti DUI campaign to deter any sort of dangerous driving, the fact of the matter is not much has actually come of these campaigns. According to a recent study, the states have seen little to no progress when it comes to deadly accidents and the prevention of deaths with respect to drunk driving.
Actual Data:
After compiling the numbers and running some more advanced research, the results are looking a little bit depressing. Using the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s data, the numbers have barely changed. In fact, the percentage of drivers and passengers who were killed when in a collision that occurred head on barely shifted at all. These numbers match up to the campaigns themselves, and show that since 2009 despite the increased effort and Anti DUI campaign funding, the net result is that there has been little to no changes (nothing statistically significant as a whole).
Discrepancy in the Information:
When the data was compiled and showed the results, they were shocking. Of the slightly over 10,000 deaths that happened as a result of drunk driving, just over 30% of all deaths were attributed to drunk driving accidents. However, when the campaigns had originally started to be a focus in general back in the year 1999, the amount of deaths that were caused by drunk driving was roughly just below 31%. In other words, with the significant amount of resources, time, effort, and energy spent collectively, the amount is recognizable with respect to the progress, but it does not mean it is significant.
Top Legal Attorney Weighs In:
When interviewed regarding the Anti DUI campaigns, car accident lawyer Aaron Crane spoke very strongly about the situation. After citing the amount of physical damage that can actually be done, the lives that are destroyed on both sides of the accident can quickly add up. Collectively a significant amount of damage occurs. No one who is left standing after the fact can walk away without feeling some sort of pain. Crane went on to say, “little has changed over the past decade (and it) is really disheartening to everyone, especially to those families who lost a loved one in a crash.” Clearly Crane has not only been affected by DUI accidents, but has helped countless others with the process of working through them as well.
Consider the extent that others are getting involved to try and make changes and it almost becomes upsetting. A former researcher of the NHTSA (the same one who headed up this very study), was able to find and note some further information. The number of fatalities has decreased overall. That being said, it is the percentage that remains essentially constant and not just the pure numbers of fatalities.
Changes in Process:
The study itself was able to find some information out in general. By changing the information given to the public, the results become slightly more convoluted. Looking more specifically at the years between 1982 through 1999 you can see that the messages changed with respect to the targeting tactics. If you recall the old slogan, “friends do not let friends drive drunk,” then you will remember when the campaign focus shifted to a simpler message stating “if you do not drive sober, you will get pulled over.” This change was no longer about advertising in general but became more of a deterrence for drivers who did drink. While it may seem insignificant, this simple change in message deliverance could be the cause of some data confusion and separation.
Other Potential Factors:
- More young people are avoiding driving
- Rise of Ridesharing services (Uber, Lift, etc) are causing drivers to avoid driving in general
- Cultural Phenomenon as some states are legalizing marijuana (Could there be links to decreased usage of alcohol as marijuana rises?)
- Is the same style of advertising effective? (Young people are on phones and social media, not television and billboards)
Further data points to make note of are the idea that researchers realize states in general are not seeing full potential when it comes to these ad campaigns. There has been a slight decrease with respect to the DUI numbers. That being said, there is also additional information which shows the arrests for drivers. This information is for those who otherwise have a DUI are down almost 23 percent. In order to match the DUI numbers in 2013 to the prior numbers from 1999, there would need to be almost another 350,000 DUI arrests for the numbers to add up.
As DUI car accident lawyer Crane said, there’s absolutely no secrets when it comes to car safety and the idea that cars are superior to autos from a decade ago with respect to safety. That being said, if cars are getting much safer, why aren’t the numbers being driven down further as a result of these campaigns? The question of how effective these Anti DUI Campaigns actually are is starting to become evident, and the results seem to be that many people don’t find the campaign messages all that effective.
Special thanks to our friend Aaron Crane, of Cantor Crane, Law Offices of David Michael Cantor, Cantor Law Group, for providing some insight into DUI accident practice in Phoenix, Arizona.