Car Accident Lawyer
Have you just been involved in a motor vehicle accident? You are likely overwhelmed. This is totally normal. Please don’t panic and don’t leave the scene. Your first priority needs to be obtaining emergency medical attention if you or anyone else involved in the collision may need it. If you do not require emergency medical attention, please call a lawyer now so that you can receive the support you need at this disorienting time.
Involved in a Car Crash? Now What?
In the aftermath of a crash, it is important to avoid behaviors that may limit your legal options later. What does this mean practically? Unless you have been otherwise advised by an attorney, do not apologize to anyone and do not admit any blame. Unless otherwise advised by an attorney, wait to speak to both law enforcement officers and insurance agents until you have received specific legal guidance. Why is this important? There are often so many factors that contribute to a motor vehicle collision that even if you think you know exactly what caused the crash, you might not. So, if you admit fault immediately and it turns out that another driver involved in the crash was driving a car with faulty brakes while texting (and drunk and exhausted) behind the wheel, you may limit your ability to recover financially simply because you admitted fault that was not, in fact, yours to assume. When in doubt – wait to speak up until an attorney has arrived at the scene.
And speaking of the scene of the accident, DON’T leave the scene. If you have already fled, go back. Leaving the scene of a collision before a police report has been filed can lead to serious civil and criminal consequences. Fight or flight is a normal response to an emergency. But sometimes, you have to fight that response with everything in you in order to do the legally permissible and ethically right thing.
Legal Guidance Is Available
If you have recently been involved in a car accident, please seek any emergency medical attention you may require. There is no legal reality that cannot wait until your injuries are attended to. If you do not believe you require emergency medical care, please call a law office now so that they can provide you with experienced legal guidance at every step of the way. Unless your attorney advises you otherwise, please wait to talk to law enforcement officers and insurance agents until they arrive to assist you. Depending on the severity of the accident, your lawyer may advise that you seek medical attention in order to ensure that you are not bleeding internally, that you do not have a concussion and that you have not sustained any soft-tissue injuries. Please do not panic. You do not have to navigate any step of the aftermath of your accident alone. An experienced car accident lawyer in Lakeland, FL is here to provide you with the necessary guidance and support moving forward. Please call now.
Thanks to David & Philpot, PL for their insight into personal injury claims and steps to take after being in a car accident.